Small update now, but more to come

For this update, you won't see a ton different from the last one. You will probably see some more bugs pop up and some things not working. Even though this is true, I have made a massive overhaul to the codebase. I've refactored a ton. I've upgraded the project. I actually ported the entire project from one boilerplate to another. All of this work really won't affect users quite yet. But these changes will seriously 10x my productivity, and enable me to actually add more features to this project. I began working on this when I was pretty new to javascript and react and had pretty bad habits with programming. Now, I have less bad habits, and know a good bit more about how to structure a project to make things flow smoothly. This refactor took much longer than expected because frankly I just stopped working on the project for long periods of time. My next step is hammering out some sort of roadmap for the near future. There is a bit more refactoring and such that I need to do as well. 

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Feb 02, 2023

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